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STEM and Create

STEM and Create  is dedicated to a better and brighter tomorrow. Learn how powerful it is to be in the STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) field by reading our fun blog or listening to our exciting podcast! We also have the coolest limited edition shirts in our shop so you can wear STEM with pride. #STEMandCreate


#STEMandCreate The Journey

STEM and Create was founded by Xavier Hernandez, USC Viterbi School of Engineering Alumni, with the intent of empowering individuals and organizations in STEM. In doing this, he has already created a journey for amazing individuals to help them reach new heights in their careers and personal growth. Join the STEM and Create journey and tell your story of how you are going to create a better tomorrow by being the next great engineer, scientist, doctor, math teacher, and everything in between. This is more than a movement, it’s a journey. Feel excited to become involved in a journey that will bring change to the world. Make your dreams come true in the STEM field with great people surrounding you. Here are some of the beautiful moments captured of people who are all about the #STEMandCreate journey in making a better future for us all. Here’s the question we want you to answer: How are you going to STEM and Create a better future? Follow & tag us on Instagram @STEMandCreate and use the #STEMandCreate hashtag. If you would like a shirt, order here! 

Check out our blog posts and content for STEM and Create


Scientists. Engineers. Doctors. Leaders. 

Learn how to maximize your potential in the STEM field. We are the creators of new technologies of tomorrow. We are saving people's lives. We are leading the change. Learn about how you can make the best out of your experience in STEM. These are the stories, voices, advice, and experiences from some amazing people in the STEM field.


The 1st concept

More engineers.

STEM and Create more engineers. It has a nice ring to it right? Given the background of our founder, Xavier Hernandez with a B.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering from USC, it seemed like the right direction to take the first piloted concept. With this concept we hope to excite more people to become engineers and solve the world’s toughest problems. The future of engineering in STEM is a bright one. If you are a future engineer, current engineer, or want to introduce engineering to your friend or family then check out our clothing dedicated to our first concept More engineers. We are excited for our next concepts we will be working with in the near future.
