How to Get Started on Your Dream Now

This is my first blog post, so it will be sweet and to the point. My writing might be sub-par, but the content is what I applied as I made STEM and Create a reality. I hope you all enjoy it!


STEM and Create was once a dream, until I brought it to life. The project started with a thought and it was brought to life by action – the action of starting now. Many of you reading this are probably from the STEM field and want to be the next great engineer, tech entrepreneur, doctor, scientist, nurse, researcher, and the list goes on. Maybe you just stumbled upon the article interested in learning how to take the first step towards your dream and you have nothing to do with STEM. That’s perfectly fine. This is for everyone who wants to learn how to get started on their dream now, no matter the background.

In my experience, every person has at least one thing in life they want to accomplish or achieve.  I have also seen many people never accomplish or achieve that one thing. Not because they ran out of time, it’s because they never started. I know this may seem like such a cliché topic for my first post, but let me entertain you. Everyone will hold an excuse to the grave with them of why they can’t do something. Now I am not telling you that you can or can’t, I just simply want to ask you why not start now? Start on your dream now and it will be the best decision you make today.

Here are the 3 Key Ways to Start on your Dream Now:

1.) Know "Why" you have the Dream you do

The best time to get started on your dream is now. I know there are always struggles to starting now, so let me help. You’re reading this, so you found some time in your day, even if time is an issue. Write down 1 reason why you have the dream that you do. Take out a notepad, do it on your phone or your computer, take a mental if you must, but give it try. Your reason to “why” you have the dream you do, is so powerful that even time will not stop you. If you’re like me, your reason to “why” is much greater than your reason to “why not”. Let’s keep moving.

2.) Thoughts to Paper and Feelings to Action

Don’t spend you days just dreaming about your dreams. It sounds silly right, dreaming about dreams? Right now, make a move towards your dream. It doesn’t matter how small or even that you’re on the right exact path. Just take a small step in the right direction. You already started the motion by writing down your “why”. If an idea comes to you, just write it down somewhere, even if it’s a mental note. Take action towards your dream because just writing it down doesn’t make it happen. When you have a strong feeling about your dream you will take a strong action. Do something today that will help you tomorrow!

3.) Don’t Forget to Smile and Laugh

It’s really hard to make a dream come true overnight. There’s so much hard work, late nights, heartache, headache, and all kinds of other ache that go into it. Taking the first step is something most people don’t do, and sometimes that’s the hardest part to deal with because those around you may make you feel like it’s not going to happen. Smile and laugh about it because you’ll feel better as you take the first step. Associate your dream with happiness and positivity by smiling and laughing as you tell someone, no matter their reaction. Negativity will bring down your dream, so smile when times are rough. Laugh that you are barely starting now to make that dream come true. Always be happy that you can start right now.

Congrats on taking the first steps - Go out and make those dreams come true. I hope you all enjoyed it, let me know what you thought with a nice comment. I appreciate you all!